According to a survey by the Federation of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI), an impressive 167+ million chocolate Father Christmases (aka Santa Clauses, Saint Nicks, Kris Kringles, etc.) have been manufactured for the 2024 season.
Key to maintaining the quality of these festive delicacies is careful packaging, particularly through the use of aluminum foil. The printed, decorative substrate not only ensures longer shelf life but also preserves the freshness and flavor of the chocolate. These properties are crucial, as chocolate Santas are often available and purchased weeks before they are eaten.
The use of thin-gauge aluminum foil as a packaging material for hollow chocolate figures is crucial because only aluminum foil has the unique dead-fold property to perfectly conform to the shape of the chocolate figure. CQ eNews has very roughly estimated that this year’s chocolate Santas will require about 1.7 million sq meters of foil…and that’s just the ones molded in Germany.
On a somewhat related note, one key question remains. Is it true that left over Father Christmases are melted down to make Easter Bunnies at the start of January?
No – Father Christmases are not melted down to make Easter Bunnies, swears the BDSI. Producers of chocolate Santas and Easter Bunnies always manufacture their seasonal goods from freshly made chocolate. Anything else would simply not meet quality standards.