Press release submitted on behalf of Nordmeccanica.
Nordmeccanica, Piacenza, Italy, the largest manufacturer of coating, laminating and metallizing machinery, celebrated with Emmerson Packaging (div. of EPC Industries), Novia Scotia, Canada, as the installation and start-up of the new Nordmeccanica laminator was successfully completed.
The Duplex SL HD 600 is the second Nordmeccanica at this Emmerson location. Emmerson wishes to thank their entire organization for the support of Nordmeccanica. In the picture attached, the team poses for a group portrait to show the collaboration and friendship efforts consolidated over this new project.
Duplex SL HD 600 is the top of the line in Solvent Less lamination. This last generation laminator features the fully digital set up, the full pre-setting capabilities and best in the industry performances for productivity and output quality.
A big thank you goes out to the Emmerson team and to the Nordmeccanica team involved in the start-up.
Nordmeccanica is, globally, the largest manufacturer of coating, laminating and metallizing machinery. Serving the industry for over 40 years with products featuring: innovation, integrated design, use of quality components and the globally recognized value for money.
Nordmeccanica innovation has marked the history in our industry for decades with an incredible list of “industry firsts” proudly presented to our customers.
Nordmeccanica has made reliability in industrial machinery a winning concept. All Nordmeccanica products are completed and fully tested as a standard before shipment at one of the 5 state of the art facilities located at the company headquarters in Italy using components made in Western Europe and North America only. All Nordmeccanica products feature the industry’s shorter start up time at their final locations thanks to the quality criteria and assembly protocols unique in the industry.
Nordmeccanica offers 5 locations around the world a full range of services, that include parts, after sales, technological support, training classes and product development.
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